Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My dearest darlingest girls,

I've decided to start a journal of letters to you. Unfortunately, we don't always know how long we will be around and the last thing I'd want is for you girls to never know my awesome insights into life :D

So, a bit of back ground for you:

Loren, you are 12 and have just had your second appointment for your braces. You picked aqua and lime green for your band colors. You are also staying at Grammy's for the next week while Grampy is out of town. It's your summer break and you will be starting 7th grade at Elm Grove next year. You did not have the best report card at the end of the year, but we understand why. You are my oldest and my sweetest :)

Madelyn you are 6 and have just finished kindergarten at Sun City. You had a great year and loved Mrs. Hardin as your teacher. You are learning to read and doing a great job! You love to color and write stories. You are very talented!

Katie-Bug you are four years old and so precocious. You get mad at everything and are so moody. But, you are also my snuggle Bug :D You were so little when you were born, just 5 lbs 5 oz. But to look at you now, so so big! Almost the same size as Madelyn.

Boo Boo Head you are my two year old. You will be three in August and I just can't believe how big you are getting. You understand just about everything and can speak so plainly. Your vocabulary has just grown so fast! You want to do everything yourself and do NOT want help :D Silly little boo boo head!!

Christine Marie you are the baby! Just six months old now. You have started rolling over and you love to nurse. You sleep right in the middle of your dad and me and love to snuggle in. Right now you are fussing in your swing b/c the girls have woken you up from your nap and you want me to put down this stupid keyboard and pick you up!!
All is better now that you are in my arms chewing on your thumb. I think you might be teething. Time will soon tell. You have the most beautiful smile and such personality. I wonder who you'll grow up to be...

Nap time :) So quiet now. You girls look so sweet when you are sleeping. I'm so thankful that you do sleep! I have friends with sleep issue with their kids. I've never really had that problem with y'all. Every single one of you has been a great sleeper. Madelyn, when we lived on Shed Rd. I was able to put you down for a nap and then go run errands for two hours. Your Dad was home :D You slept a guaranteed two hours. That was so so so nice!! Now to get Christine napping the same way!!

Your Dad and I have been married for 8 years and even though there have been some rough spots, we've worked it out. You have to work on your relationships. They won't just sit there while you go on and live your life. Just wanting to be together sometimes isn't enough. Decide what's important to you and then fight for it!!

Lets see, we live in River Bend on Andy Circle. We moved here in January after we moved off base when your Dad got out of the Air Force. We lived on base for 5 years. Wow, it doesn't seem like that long!! Katie you were born there. We moved in in July and then you were born at the end of September. Moving while pregnant sucks!! Try not to do that :D I don't know how long we will live here because we are renting this house. We are looking to maybe move somewhere cheaper. The rent here is $1050 a month and that's pretty steep. The job your Dad has now at Gordon Inc pays about $800 a week when he works 60 hours a week. It's really hard on him and the only day off he has is on Sunday.

We've started a class on managing our finances better by Dave Ramsey. Tonight is the second class. It's fairly interesting and I'm learning a lot. Hopefully we can save
enough money to have a down payment on a house before too terribly long.

Heh, you girls just finished 'washing' the dishes at the sink for me. Thanks!

I have a lot to do today. The living room needs to be picked up and vaccumed, the kitchen needs to be cleaned and I really need to get on you little girls to clean your room. Of course if I do that, Madelyn you will end up picking up the whole thing just so it will get done!! Poor baby :D Madelyn and Kaitlyn, you two are inseparable. Katie, you don't want to do anything without Madelyn and Madelyn you won't go anywhere without Bug. I'm hoping that you will always stay close. Sisters are so important. I hope all you girls stick together. I love you all so much.

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