My dearest girls,
I had an awful dream last night that we lost your great grandmother. I woke up crying with a Bettye Jean sized hole in my heart. I'm so worried that the youngest of you won't remember her. She's such an amazing woman and has done so many things. From growing up in the 20's and 30's to being married to an Air Force pilot and traveling the world to helping raise me. I am going to miss her so much when she's gone. She's 82 now, just five years from now she'll be the same age Gammy was when she died.

She is my best friend and I adore her!! I hope we have a long long time left with her.
Christine is asleep in our bed. This is the first time I've been able to lay her down and have her actually sleep like this!! Way to go baby!!
You girls cleaned up your room yesterday with a minimum amount of yelling from me. Of course, Madelyn, you did most of it. I think that this Sunday your Dad and I are going to come up with a chore chart and figure out how to pay commissions for doing the work you need to.
As soon as your Dad gets home, I'm off to do the weekly grocerie shopping. I have $100 for the week. This way I spend about $400 per week on food for the 7 of us. Right now you girls eat about a 1/2 serving so it's not as expensive as it's going to get.
Right now you girls are in the kitchen making peanut butter sandwiches. You aren't supposed to be in there. :/

I had an awful dream last night that we lost your great grandmother. I woke up crying with a Bettye Jean sized hole in my heart. I'm so worried that the youngest of you won't remember her. She's such an amazing woman and has done so many things. From growing up in the 20's and 30's to being married to an Air Force pilot and traveling the world to helping raise me. I am going to miss her so much when she's gone. She's 82 now, just five years from now she'll be the same age Gammy was when she died.
She is my best friend and I adore her!! I hope we have a long long time left with her.
Christine is asleep in our bed. This is the first time I've been able to lay her down and have her actually sleep like this!! Way to go baby!!
You girls cleaned up your room yesterday with a minimum amount of yelling from me. Of course, Madelyn, you did most of it. I think that this Sunday your Dad and I are going to come up with a chore chart and figure out how to pay commissions for doing the work you need to.
As soon as your Dad gets home, I'm off to do the weekly grocerie shopping. I have $100 for the week. This way I spend about $400 per week on food for the 7 of us. Right now you girls eat about a 1/2 serving so it's not as expensive as it's going to get.
Right now you girls are in the kitchen making peanut butter sandwiches. You aren't supposed to be in there. :/